2013년 7월 29일 월요일

하이볼륨 에어 샘플러,TE-5000,미세먼지측정기

하이볼륨 에어 샘플러,TE-5000,미세먼지측정기
판매처: 켐익코퍼레이션 www.kemik.co.kr TEL.031-737-2121 FAX.031-737-2120

  • EPA Method Appendix B to Part 50 에 충족
  • 대기중 총부유분진(TSP) 측정 및 포집
  • 39 - 60 CFM의 유량 조절가능
  • 7- day Mechanical Timer 장착



Parameter Description
Inlet Collection Efficiency Meets EPA Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix B to Part 50
Flow rate 39cfm-60cfm [1.1 to 1.7 m3]
Filter media Glass Fiber Filter 8" x 10" [TE-G653]
Flow control Motor Speed Voltage Control/ Elapsed Time Indicator [TE-5010]
Motor blower 2 Stage Vacuum Motor 110V/60Hz [TE-116311] 220V/50Hz [TE-116312]
Flow Indicator Continuous Flow/ pressure recorder[TE-5009]
Altitude Application to 10,000 feet above sea level
Ambient Temperature Application -30 to +50°C
Relative Humidity Application 0~100%
Sample Delay Start Range 0~7days
Elapsed time indicator device Elapsed Time Indicator [TE-5010]
Motor Specifications Start up amps: 12 amps
Running amps: 6 amps

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