2013년 7월 18일 목요일

Inhalable Dust Sampler

Inhalable Dust Sampler 

판 매 처 : 켐익코퍼레이션 www.kemik.co.kr
대표전화 : 031)737-2121

▶ 특징
  • 50% cut point at 100 microns when used at 2 LPM
  • Conductive plastic cassette or stainless steel
  • Small(128×33×25mm) including lapel clip
  • Light Weight(<1 ounce or about 25 grams)
  • Sampling Head and Cassette parts are interchangeable with the SKC IOM Sampling Head and cassette
  • Complies with or meets the requirements of the following standards
    - ACGIH definition of inhalable particulate matter
    - NIOSH Method 5700 for particulate formaldehyde
    - NIOSH Method 5525 for lsocyanates
    - British Method MDHS 14/3 for inhalable dust in air
    - British Method MDHS 25/3 for organic isocyanates in air
    - British Method MDHS 6/3 for lead in air

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